
Here are some example excerpts for some things you may want to do with the filtering library.

Load ROMS Data

Suppose we have some ROMS data, with a somewhat complex rotated grid, velocity staggered according to the Arakawa C-grid. Moreover, the velocity and grid data are stored in separate files, and the velocity data is spread over multiple files (they may even have only a single timestep per file)! Due to the C-grid staggering, we want to specify the cell corners (psi points) as our lat/lon dimensions. This is consistent with the C-grid interpolation method that OceanParcels will use in this case. Further, because lat/lon are in degrees, we specify this as a spherical mesh.

filenames = {
    "U": {"lon": "grid.nc", "lat": "grid.nc", "data": "ocean_*.nc"},
    "V": {"lon": "grid.nc", "lat": "grid.nc", "data": "ocean_*.nc"},
variables = {"U": "Usur", "V": "Vsur"}
dimensions = {"lon": "lon_psi", "lat": "lat_psi", "time": "ocean_time"}

f = LagrangeFilter(
   "roms_experiment", filenames, variables, dimensions, sample_variables,
   mesh="spherical", c_grid=True,

Now the filtering library will automatically seed particles at cell corners when performing advection/filtering. Underneath, OceanParcels will interpret the grid correctly, and interpolate the velocity components onto cell corners as well.

Vorticity-based Filtering

Suppose we set up our filtering data as usual, but our input dataset contains an additional variable phi with the relative vorticity at a point. We want to vary our filter cutoff frequency depending on the vorticity, but we don’t need to actually perform the Lagrangian filtering on vorticity. To achieve this, we pass our vorticity variable to the init_only_variables parameter:

f = LagrangeFilter(
  "vorticity_filtering", filenames, variables, dimensions, sample_variables,
  init_only_variables=["phi"], ...

Now we write a function that takes the local vorticity at a point, and computes the required cutoff frequency. This function is used in a DataDependentFilter.

from filtering import filter

def cutoff_func(state):
  return state["init_phi"] ** 2

# sampling frequency fs
phi_filt = filter.DataDependentFilter(cutoff_func, fs)

f.inertial_filter = phi_filt