The Filter Object

Aside from the parameters we pass to the LagrangeFilter initialiser controlling the particle advection portion of the algorithm (described in Specifying Input Data), there are also some parameters to do with filtering itself.

Times and Windows

To accurately capture enough data to filter the low-frequency components of the signal, there is the concept of the window. This is the length of time on either side of a sample over which particles are advected. This window is allowed to optionally be uneven, which allows filtering to be performed, even if there isn’t a full timeseries on either side of a sample. This happens at the edges of data availability, or at in individual particle level when particles run into topography or out of the domain. The threshold for including particles without a full trajectory is determined by the minimum_window parameter.

Control over the temporal resolution within the filtering window is given by the advection_dt parameter. This defaults to a 5-minute advection timestep, but this may need to be adjusted depending on the spatial and temporal resolution of the input data. Ideally, this parameter is set to some divisor of the input data timestep, allowing for well-resolved particle paths.

Filter types

There are a couple of types of filters available for attenuating the low-frequency component of particle trajectories. The default filter is used when highpass_frequency is specified, which gives a 3dB cutoff over the entire domain using a 4th-order Butterworth filter (as obtained by scipy.signal.butter()).

There are other filters available in the filtering.filter module, such as one that performs the filtering in frequency space (may give a sharper cutoff, at the expense of possible ringing), or that allows variation of the cutoff frequency over the domain. Alternatively, the default Filter can be constructed with a different order, and as a highpass, lowpass, or bandpass filter, depending on the required application.

If an alternate filter is constructed, it can be attached to the LagrangeFilter:

ff = filtering.LagrangeFilter(...)
f = filtering.filter.Filter(...)